Elham village is situated in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in the North Downs.
Elham Gardening Society is very active and welcomes anyone
wishing to join.
None of our members feel they are super efficient gardeners -
they just like doing it, mistakes and all!
We offer wide ranging and interesting talks aimed at providing practical gardening advice and improving horticultural knowledge.
You will be kept up to date about everything we do by regular emails if you are a Gardening Society member.
Check out our Events Page
Our meetings take place on the third Thursday of each month in Peggy Pike Room at Elham Village Hall at 7.30pm.
You won't feel out of place and you can join there, or click below to contact our Membership Secretary.
We have a popular Spring Show in April. This is also the
opportunity to buy your potato for the "Potato in a Bucket"
competition, and a Pelargonium Plug plant for the "Chairman's
Challenge" both are judged at the main Summer Show.
There will be plants, produce and of course, home-made cakes for
More Information
The Annual Summer Show takes place on the last Saturday in July
and is open to everyone. It is now more than 125 years old, and is
regarded as one of the best in Kent! There is a wide range of
Classes which not only cover Vegetables and Flowers but include
Domestic, Handicrafts, Art and Photography.
More Information ...
We have occasional local garden visits. Anyone is welcome to come along even if you are not yet a member.
Of special interest we have an annual 5 day tour in June to visit a range of gardens in various regions.